Monday, February 25, 2013

A Strong Start for AB 46

To say we are off to a fast start is a great understatement. Last week was a very active week, led by the first hearing of our bill, AB 46, that would secure additional funding for capital projects. It was an incredibly proud moment when a bi-partisan panel of the Northern Nevada legislative leaders sat next to each other, supporting the bill and asking their colleagues for their support. Our community also came out to support us a big way. Supporters of the bill filled the room in a show of support from business, labor, education, real estate, economic development and professionals from many fields. It was the first step in a long process, but it was a great kickoff on this piece of legislation.  Additional discussion about a proposed amendment to the bill will take place at the Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, February 26th at 3 p.m.

We also participated in a discussion that outlined the significant budget shortfalls that we have endured the past five years. It was a sobering hearing and I believe it gave the new legislators much needed history on the budget statewide since the recession began.

The week of February 25 proves to be another important week with four important pieces of legislation being heard in joint meetings of Assembly and Senate Education committees. There will be an important emphasis on early childhood education including hearings on Monday about a proposal to provide mandatory, full day kindergarten for all children in the state as well as a proposal for pre-K programs at all of our at-risk schools. Wednesday will offer a chance to discuss the a proposal of class size reduction funding as well as a proposal to limit social promotion by enhancing early identification and intervention efforts.

The hallways at the legislative building are full of both philosophical and practical discussion about the needs of our education system, and I believe we will have ample opportunity to weigh with the needs and values of the Washoe County School District.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Digital Learning Day

Even though it’s only the first week, I believe we experienced a high point already. It was officially “Digital Learning Day” at the legislature on Wednesday and there was an exciting infusion of students in a world dominated by adults. The Assembly foyer was packed full of students in all age groups set up on various digital devices to help advance their education. Students and teachers from Spanish Springs High School in Sparks showcased the C3Media Academy that trains students in print, web, and video production. In partnership with KNPB Channel 5, students from Reno High School showcased their Redhouse Project where students generate community awareness by producing public service announcements for local non-profit agencies. I always love it when our legislators get to interact with our students – it brings a much more personal feel to a process many find dehumanized. In fact, WCSD students conducted very professional interviews with Senators Smith and Kieckhefer as well as Assemblymen Kirner and Bobzien as part of their video project. Check out the final products here  and here

Instead of asking students to turn off their digital devices when they come to school, we need to provide them with sufficient access and infrastructure so we are able to encourage them to use technology in the most productive and efficient way. At the Nevada legislature the building nearly shuts down and people stop working when the wireless network goes down. It seems that here, of all places, support for educational technology should be a no-brainier. If we expect Nevada high school graduates to be prepared for the digital workplace we live in, we should allow them the opportunity to experience it through our public school system.

Monday, February 4, 2013

First Day of 2013 Session

First day of school session

The first day of the legislative session is much like the first day of school. Most participants (elected officials, staff, and lobbyists) have a fresh haircut and wear their new outfit. New friends are made, old friendships rekindled, and there is an air of excitement and optimism. Today was no exception. There was a lot of pomp and circumstance, but the work began. Many bills were introduced on the floors of the Senate and Assembly, including Assembly Bill 46. AB46, sponsored by Washoe County School District, was introduced and assigned to the Assembly Taxation Committee. And so, we are off and ready to participate in the legislative process with the best interest of our students in mind. We hope you’ll stay along for the ride.

Preview: Wednesday, February 6th is Digital Learning Day so look forward to some informative and fun updates about how our district and students bring awareness to digital learning.

WCSD Board of Trustees Release Legislative Platform

 The WCSD Board of Trustees has engaged in some very meaningful conversations about their legislative agenda in the months past and has unanimously agreed to adopt their 2013 Legislative Platform . 

This document is focused around the most important policy discussions that are anticipated this session. It is closely aligned with our strategic plan, Envision WCSD 2015- Investing in Our Future, and is designed to reflect the values system of WCSD, which strives to improve academic outcomes for all our students. This will serve as the guide for the positions we will take on proposed pieces of legislation.

It is grouped in subject areas that address funding (both capital and operating) as well as our continued support of early literacy, family engagement, and college and career readiness. Additionally, it focuses on human capital and the need for an evaluation system and robust professional development as well as the desire to have as much decision-making power as close to the local level as possible.

We believe we’ve addressed and weighed in on many of the expected “hot topics” like social promotion, expansion of full-day kindergarten, as well as the improvement of the high school proficiency exam.

It is impossible to address every piece of legislation that may affect the district so we have a process in place for the board, or its legislative subcommittee, to consider any proposal that isn’t addressed in the board platform.